Live Shows : Europe 2023 Timezone Changes

Europe – Daylight Savings Time Zone Ended on 29th October 2023.

USA n Canada – DST Ends on 5th November 2023.

Note to European Users.
From 29th October to 5th November – All live shows will start 1hr early than the usal timing for European users.
November 5th 2023 – DST will end in USA too and timing of shows will be like usual again For European Users.

USA n Canada.
No Changes. You will auto change timezone on 5th november like usual for ur day-to-day life like usual.

Other Countries – Equatorial and tropical countries that doesnt have DST Timezone :
From 5th November to March 10th 2024 – Live shows will start 1hr late than usual.

If you are still confused, just follow the countdown provided for the live shows in their particular post. Countdown on the top

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