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  • WWE Audience 4 years ago

    I enjoyed watching this week’s two matches: Eric Young vs No Way Jose and Cederic Alexander vs Ricochet.

    WWE board can use all of the 4 talents more often on Monday Night Raw. I found interesting to see that whereas EY, NWJ, and CA had their entrance theme hit, Ricochet didn’t have entrance music appearance; what happened there? The program cut his entrance theme time and showed that he was already in the ring. Normally, it occurs among ones who get undervalued and underperform in general. But Ricochet, seriously? I have a sense that skipping Ricochet’s entrance time may be cornerstone/steppingstone for turning into a possible jobber. So far, the sequence is former US champion -> December 4th edition WWE’s The Bump in-studio appearance -> Main Event in-ring matchup without broadcasting entrance music showdown. I wonder what the WWE has in mind. The positive side of Ricochet on the show was, he had another finishing move go well other than original finisher, 630.